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Editing a Status Page & Advanced Status Page Settings

source site A status page is an easy to configure public page that can display multiple monitors.  After creating a status page, you may find the need to edit it. If so, you can follow the steps below to edit your status page and how to configure advanced settings within it.


Best Tramadol Online Step 1: Navigate to the Status Page 


source link 1.1 Once on the Status Page, find the status page you wish to edit and find the Actions Bar near the top right corner. Find the enter site Edit button and click it.


go site go to site Step 2: Edit Your Status Page 2.1 Make any updates necessary to your status page. Unlike when you first created the status page, you’ll now have access to extra settings. These can be navigated to by clicking the Tramadol Online Texas Advanced Settings, Socials, or source link Customizations buttons. You can learn more about these further down the page. Step 3: View the Confirmation Screen

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Order Tramadol Overnight Delivery 3.1 Once your status page has been edited and saved, you’ll see a message on the next screen confirming your status page updates.


Advanced Settings You’ll have the option to access Advanced Settings for your Status page. Learn how to configure these below.

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  1. Project
    If you would like to associate your monitor to a project, you can select it here.
  2. Tramadol Overnight Visa Timezone
    Select the main time zone for your status page.
  3. Password
    If you would like your status page to be password protected, input the password here. Depending on your plan, you may not be able to access this feature.
  4. Search Engine Visibility
    Determine if you want your status page to be indexed by search engines, such as Google or Bing. By default, this will be set to on. Depending on your plan, you may not be able to adjust this feature.
  5. Tramadol Order Overnight Remove Branding
    Determine if you would like to remove branding on your status page. If enabled, the status page won’t show the branding of our website. Depending on your plan, you may not be able to adjust this feature.
  6. Update Your Settings
    Once you have adjusted all of your advanced settings, click the Update button to save changes.

Socials You’ll have the option to access the Socials section for your Status page. This will allow you to input links to selected social media sites to include on your status page. Learn how to configure these below.

  1. Purchasing Tramadol Overnight Facebook
    Input the link to the Facebook page you want to link to your status page.
  2. Instagram
    Input the link to the Instagram page you want to link to your status page.
  3. Twitter
    Input the link to the Twitter page you want to link to your status page.
  4. source Email
    Input the email you want to associate with your status page.
  5. source link Website
    Input the link to the website you want to link to your status page.
  6. Update Your Settings
    Once you have adjusted all of your advanced settings, click the Update button to save changes.

Customizations You’ll have the option to access the Customizations section for your Status page. This will allow to to customize your status page with your logo, add a favicon, and insert custom coding. Learn how to configure these below.

  1. Logo
    Upload a file of your logo to display on your status page. We recommend using a 1:1 ratio for the logo (jpg, jpeg, png, gif or svg).
  2. here Favicon
    Upload a file of your favicon to display on the tab of your status page. We recommended a 1:1 ratio for the favicon (jpg, jpeg, png, gif or ico).
  3. Custom CSS
    You’ll have the option to insert custom CSS here to customize your status page.
  4. Order Tramadol Online Australia Custom JS
    You’ll have the option to insert custom JS here to customize your status page.
  5. Update Your Settings
    Once you have adjusted all of your advanced settings, click the Order Tramadol Fedex Overnight Update button to save changes.